Spawning height when using waypoints - check needed
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I've had a devil of a time using Bon Voyage on my mun rover. Either my rover spawns too low, causing its wheels to explode and launching it up, or it spawns really high up. I think I now know why.
I've been using SCANSAT to make waypoints to use as destinations for Bon Voyage, to ensure I end up at a location with little slope (it wouldn't be the first time I came out right over the edge of a cliff). But the waypoints get created at a couple of kilometers altitude, and my rover drives up to that altitude when I use the waypoint method of selecting a destination. That means it can end up inside the terrain if it's high up, or far above it if it's low.
I consider this a bug in BV. When using waypoints, it should adjust the destination altitude to match the local terrain altitude, not use the waypoint altitude verbatim.