
sorting state is shared between contexts

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Environment details

  • Operating System: NixOS
  • Desktop Environment: none+i3
  • Terminal Emulator: kitty
  • Shell: fish
  • Custom desktop opener (if applicable):
  • Program options used: aAERx
  • Configuration options set: see https://github.com/azuline/nixos/blob/master/home/nnn/default.nix#L24
  • Plugins are installed
  • Issue exists on nnn master: pretty sure, i might be a few commits behind the latest commit

Exact steps to reproduce the issue

When I change contexts, the sort order of the current context is preserved in the second context. This preservation occurs when I set the sort order by hand (video 1), but also when the sort order is part of the NNN_ORDER envvar (video 2). Even if case 1 is intentional, I do not believe case 2 is, as leaving the NNN_ORDER-ed directory in the same context unsets the sort and does not preserve it.

There is another strange behavior: If i unset the sorting state in the 2nd context, go back to the first context, and then attempt to re-set the sort, nothing happens. It is as if my first attempt to re-set the sort actually performed the unset operation in the first context, and the second attempt actually did re-set the sort (though I'm not too sure what's really going on in the code).

Video 1: https://github.com/jarun/nnn/assets/51880422/e56ac3ac-94cd-41ef-89cf-31c56798c202
Video 2: https://github.com/jarun/nnn/assets/51880422/50536d6c-3f52-4618-8c0b-bd3c3b66a4eb

What is the desired behavior? I'm happy to open a pull request, but I don't want to implement the wrong behavior ^_^

I tried the following:

Sort manually by size (s) and switch to an ordered context. In this case the sort order is not changed in the second context.
However, if I manually set the reverse order (r) or version sort (v), the reverse order is added in the second context too.

The second observations seems to be a manifestation of the same. If you check set_sort_flags(), r and v use special function pointers. It seems they are retained and adds up along with the order dictated by NNN_ORDER even for a context that is already open.

The issue maybe somewhere in the below lines:

6838         if (order && cd) {
6839                 if (cfgsort[cfg.curctx] != '0') {
6840                         if (cfgsort[cfg.curctx] == 'z')
6841                                 set_sort_flags('c');
6842                         if ((!cfgsort[cfg.curctx] || (cfgsort[cfg.curctx] == 'c'))
6843                             && ((r = get_kv_key(order, path, maxorder, NNN_ORDER)) > 0)) { // NOLINT
6844                                 set_sort_flags(r);                                                                 
6845                                 cfgsort[cfg.curctx] = 'z';
6846                         }
6847                 } else
6848                         cfgsort[cfg.curctx] = cfgsort[CTX_MAX];
6849         }

Please have a look and raise a PR.

thanks, took a look and put up a pull request!