
NNN_TRASH_CUSTOM setting not working

slferris opened this issue · 4 comments

I am using NNN on macOS Sonoma with zsh and Oh-My-Zsh.

When I invoke export NNN_TRASH=1 to use trash-cli to export deleted files, trash-cli puts the deleted files in ~/.local/share/Trash/files. I want them sent to my Desktop Trash at ~/.Trash. I don't want to have to look for trashed files in two places. I have placed export NNN_TRASH_CUSTOM="$HOME/.Trash" in my .zshrc config file, but trash-cli still ignores it and sends deleted files to ~/.local/share/Trash/files. I have also created a symlink from the latter to ~/.Trash, but it doesn't quite work the way I would like.

How can I get trash-cli to put files deleted in NNN into my Desktop Trash, just like any other files I trash?

7ocb commented

@slferris I don't think nnn uses NNN_TRASH_CUSTOM environment variable at all.

It looks like ~/.local/share/Trash/files is the default place where trash-cli puts deleted files. Also I think nnn is not resposible for behavior of trash-cli, nnn just invokes it for files to be deleted.

There's only one config NNN_TRASH and we support gio trash or trash-cli.
Please find more details in the wiki: https://github.com/jarun/nnn/wiki/Usage

Sure. Nobody would expect nnn to be responsible for where trash_cli puts deleted files. My question is is there a good work-around to effectively move the files into Desktop Trash?

My question is is there a good work-around to effectively move the files into Desktop Trash?

I don't think any of the maintainers here uses macos, so we wouldn't be able to help you here. But I see that there was an answer provided here.

If you (or anyone) can come up with a good solution that doesn't require hardcoded binary path then feel free to send a pull request.