
preview-tabbed - zathura not focusing

MaMiMa81 opened this issue · 2 comments

Using preview-tabbed works as expected, as it always did, apart from zathura.
The preview window is launched with zathura on the workspace in the WM and the associated file changes with navigation through files in the file manager pane however the file is not displayed with zathura until I manually focus the plugin window i.e. with the curser or even by manually invoking:

    xdotool windowactivate "$XID"

This has recently started happening and all other file-types are still displayed as before with their various opening applications as navigation is traversed through the file manager without issue.

Both zathura and my WM, spectrwm, have received updates recently but it appears just specific to the plugin interaction with zathura.
I'm using the latest nnn version and the most recent set of plugins.


Indeed it is due to the zathura upgrade that preview_tabbed pdf functionality has ceased working correctly.
I earlier downgraded zathura from 0.5.4 to 0.5.2 but I failed to downgraded the dependency girara from 0.4.1 to 0.4.0 and
conscequently I still encountered the issue described above but after downgrading both zathura and girara the correct functionality of preview_tabbed is restored.

It appears that the issue is with the latest upgrade of zathura (with girara of course) and tabbed:


        running zathura with tabbed causes default binds to break

Apologies for not being more thorough initially but this may highlight this issue if anyone experiences it.
I shall leave this issue open until the developer decides to close it if appropriate.

@N-R-K @luukvbaal can you please have a look?

I'm not on latest zathura so can't reproduce.


Looks like it's a zathura issue and not a problem with the preview-tabbed script. If there's a known workaround then feel free to share.