
Icons does not work when NNN is opened with -C option

Closed this issue · 5 comments

  • Operating System: Artix
  • Desktop Environment: Hyprland
  • Terminal Emulator: Kitty
  • Shell: Bash
  • Program options used: -C
  • Configuration options set: O_NERD=1
  • Plugins are installed: No
  • Issue exists on nnn master: Yes

Exact steps to reproduce the issue

  1. Install nerdfont Jetbrains Nerd Font Mono and config the terminal to use it.
  2. Install nnn with O_NERD=1 option.
  3. Open nnn without -C option to see icons working (proves that icons work with jetbrains nerd font mono).
  4. Now open it with -C option, icons do not work.

This works as designed. Icons are not shown in 8-color mode.

You should read the documentation first - https://github.com/jarun/nnn/wiki/Advanced-use-cases#file-icons

Note that your $TERM must support 256 colors for the icons to show.

Wait, I have a question, kitty does support 256 colors, this means that the theme should be 256 colors to make icons work? When I read that in the wiki I had thought that it was all ok!

kitty does support 256 colors

-C enables 8 color mode. And so that disables 256 color output along with emojies. I've updated the wiki to make it more clear.
