
preview-tui with wezterm: No FIFO available! ($NNN_FIFO='')

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  • Operating System: Ubuntu 23.10
  • Desktop Environment: i3
  • Terminal Emulator: wezterm 20240203-110809-5046fc22
  • Shell: GNU bash, version 5.2.15
  • Custom desktop opener (if applicable):
  • Program options used:
  • Configuration options set:
  • Plugins are installed


export NNN_PLUG='i:imgview;o:preview-tui;p:preview-tabbed'
export NNN_FIFO="/tmp/nnn.fifo"

in preview-tui I've changed

 wezterm cli split-pane --cwd "$PWD" $split --percent "$NNN_SPLITSIZE" "$0" "$1" >/dev/null
 wezterm cli activate-pane-direction Prev ;;


flatpak run org.wezfurlong.wezterm cli split-pane --cwd "$PWD" $split --percent "$NNN_SPLITSIZE" "$0" "$1" >/dev/null
flatpak run org.wezfurlong.wezterm cli activate-pane-direction Prev ;;

because im running wezterm with flatpak.

Invoking preview-tui in nnn results in an Error

Even when starting nnn with -a option. (NNN_FIFO is set in .bashrc as you can see above)

Running preview-tui with kitty works on my system but unfortunately not with wezterm.

Environment issue likely caused by flatpak then. Not familiar with flatpak but I suppose it has some way to pass along env to it's applications...

@luukvbaal running wezterm as AppImage works 😕