
let's hug to Go

Primary LanguageGo

Let's hug Go

Date: 29-09-2022


1. syntax
    package main
    func main(){
    // single line comment
        multiline comments
        this is a comment

3. variables
    // declair a variable
    var variableName type
    // assign a value to a variable

    variableName = "value"

    // another way to declair a variable

    variableName := value

    note: variable short syntax must be declaired with a value.

    // variable declaration case

    we can use Camel Case, Pascal case or Snake Case

    myVariableName string = "John"
    MyVariableName string = "John"
    my_variable_name string = "John"

4. constants

syntax: const constantName type = value

problem 1: write a program to check whether a given possitive number integer
is a power of 2

ref: problem/problem1.go

problem2: Write a PHP program to check whether a given positive integer is a power of three.

ref: problem/problem2.go

Write a PHP program to check whether an integer is the power of another integer. Go to the editor
Input : 16, 2
Output : 16 is power of 2
Example: For x = 16 and y = 2 the answer is "true", and for x = 12 and y = 2 "false"