
Coffeescript executable doesn't follow symlinks when looking up require()'d packages

josephg opened this issue · 2 comments

Lets say I have a package:



require 'coolstuff'
# ...

I can run this module using coffee main.coffee and it works.

If I instead make a symlink to main.coffee from somewhere else and run coffee mysymlink.coffee it doesn't work, because it can't find the coolstuff module.

This isn't the case with nodejs - if you write the equivalent javascript, symlink it and run it with node mysymlink.js it works.

Npm installs package binaries this way. On my machine, /usr/local/bin/myscript is a symlink to /usr/local/lib/node_modules/mylibrary/myscript . The script can't find the library's dependancies because its not looking for them in the library's node_modules directory.

The coffee command is intended primarily for compiling and debugging, not as a replacement for node. A patch for this would be welcome, but we don’t plan to try to support all the edge cases that node supports.