Upsert requires in order to create record?
Opened this issue · 1 comments
tayloraucoin commented
When attempting to create a profile with the upsert request, it would not take attributes without a uuid string. This seems against the point of upsert, as without an id it should create the record and return the generated id.
Please advise if this is a bug or a piece of intended logic.
Until then I will have to generate a uuid on the frontend for each attempt, which is not ideal.
Thank you for your contribution to the stellar Postgraphile library!
outdoteth commented
Wow. Wasted 2 hrs trying to figure this out. What a useless library... wtf is the point of doing an upsert if I have to know the uuid before hand?! Getting the uuid and then updating requires 2 db reads anyway which negates the entire point of using an upsert.