A node.js module to help with maintaining sitemap files & static HTML snapshots for a dynamic website. It is designed to help support SEO for HTML5 Single Page Applications (SPA apps) built with frameworks such as AngularJS, Ember.js or Backbone.js.
By providing URL configuration data about a website, Judo is able to create & maintain sitemaps and static HTML snapshots. Judo can be run on a schedule as a separate node.js application and/or embedded in an existing application and run on demand.
Judo will generate a single sitemap file for each URL configuration object passed to the updateSiteMap
method. Each URL that contains a sitemap configuration will be added to that sitemap file. While creating the sitemap Judo will generate warnings for invalid values.
WARNING: Judo uses PhantomJS to generate the static HTML snapshots of website pages. You will need to have PhantomJS installed in order to use this feature.
When the createSnapshots
method is called Judo will go through URLs that contain a snapthot configuration and generate a static HTML snapshot for each filename listed in that configuration. Judo will either wait a short amount of time after opening a URL for the content to load or you can configure your site to set a data-status attribute on the body tag with a value of "true" to signal that the data is loaded.
Judo is configurable via the following options object:
var options = {
muteWarnings: false, // Allows the user to mute warnings generated by Judo
phantomProcs: 1, // Number of PhantomJS processes to run concurrently
maxBuffer: 200*1024 // Max PhantomJS output buffer size
var judo = new Judo(options);
Judo uses the URL configuration data that you provide to do it's work. For each URL can you provide a sitemap configurtion and/or a snapshot configuration.
var urlConfig = {
baseUrl: 'http://example.com/', // The base URL of your site
siteMapPath: '/srv/mysitedir/sitemap.xml', // Sitemap output
urls: [
url: '/about',
siteMap: { // sitemap config (required for inclusion in sitemap)
changefreq: 'daily', // (optional)
priority: '0.5', // (optional)
lastmod: '2012-03-06' // (optional)
url: '/contact',
judo.updateSiteMap(urlConfig, function(err){
if (!err) console.log('that was easy!');
var urlConfig = {
baseUrl: 'http://example.com/', // The base URL of your site
snapshotsDir: '/srv/mysitedir/snapshots', // Root directory for snapshots
urls: [
url: '/about',
snapshot: { // static snapshot config (required for snapshot creation)
changefreq: 'daily', // (optional, same values as for changeFreq)
filenames: [ // Array of filenames to generate snapshots for
'about-us.html' ]
url: '/contact',
judo.createSnapshots(urlConfig, function(err){
if (!err) console.log('that was easy!');
Copyright 2013 Jason Sich
Licensed under the MIT license