
Add support for files in parent directories

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Consider this layout:

- node_modules/**/*.js        <= files in parent directory (currently not supported)
- client/app/**/*.js          <= files in subdirectory
         spec/fixtures/*.json <= files in subdirectory

client/gulpfile.js is responsible for listing all files (from client/app and node_modules directories) and run jasmineBrowser:

var files = [

  { base: '.' } // See Fail with files with the same name gulp-jasmine-browser/issues/8
  .pipe($.watch(files, { base: '.' }))

exec('open http://localhost:8888');

Generated specRunner.html:

<script src="../node_modules/underscore/underscore.js"></script>
<script src="app/app.js"></script>

Of course it will fail: the browser does not know about ...

To support this kind of pattern, BrowserSync provides a baseDir option: http://www.browsersync.io/docs/options/#option-server

Would be nice to have this feature for gulp-jasmine-browser:

var files = [

  { base: '.' } // See Fail with files with the same name gulp-jasmine-browser/issues/8
  .pipe($.watch(files, { base: '.' }))
  .pipe($.jasmineBrowser.specRunner({ baseDir: ['..', '.'] }))
  .pipe($.jasmineBrowser.server({ baseDir: ['..', '.'] }));

exec('open http://localhost:8888');

Generated specRunner.html:

<script src="node_modules/underscore/underscore.js"></script>
<script src="app/app.js"></script>

To overcome the parent directory thing (../node_modules/**/*.js) this is what I currently do:

var files = [

  { base: '..' } // <= instead of '.'
  .pipe($.watch(files, { base: '..' }))

exec('open http://localhost:8888');

Generated specRunner.html:

<script src="node_modules/underscore/underscore.js"></script>
<script src="client/app/app.js"></script> // <= instead of "app/app.js"

Then all my AJAX requests for spec/fixtures/*.json have to be prefixed with client subdirectory: GET client/test/fixtures/somedata.json instead of simply GET test/fixtures/somedata.json

rdy commented

We could certainly add some kind of support for this, couldn't you also use gulp rename to change the path of those fixtures instead of trying to change the base directory?

rdy commented

using an existing gulp plugin to aid in the rename should really take care of this, i'd be willing to take a pull request but rename should really do the trick with a basename.