
Specs not found in headless mode

Closed this issue · 1 comments

pjk25 commented

I have a gulp-jasmine-browser setup that runs my specs fine in server mode, but reports 0 specs, 0 failures in headless mode. I'm using webpack and the ts-loader (typescript) targeting ES5, with PhantomJS 2.1.1.

I presume this could be a silent error in phantom, but I'm not sure how to dig in further.

The code in question can be found here: https://github.com/pjk25/framework_zero/tree/gulp-jasmine-browser

pjk25 commented

So, after some digging into the files loaded in the browser, I realized that I was not transpiling my specs as needed (they are es2015 javascript and not typescript). Adding babel transpilation for my js files alongside the ts-loader, and providing the babel-polyfill got things working.