
Guidance steering not turning on.

Closed this issue · 23 comments


I've tried your mod and i really like the idea. And I've loved using it for the last 20 mins. But now it suddenly just doesn't work right.
It randomly just started not wanting to turn on Guidance Steering again, and It's pretty annoying.
And i can't figure out why this is happening.

Before this issue started. I had an issue with Headland Management not turning on. But i found out that it only works when I've selected the tractor in the top left menu.

Hope you can help.
And thanks for at cool mod

that's strange. I had never problems like this while programming, testing or playing.
Are you shure, that Guidance Steering was active when you trigger Headland Management? Sometimes Guidance Steering could be already inactive, because of slight turns on the steering wheel or controller. Headland Management will only reactivate Guidance Steering, if it was active while Headland Management is triggered.
I'm thinking about an optional setting, that Guidance Steering will activate regardless it's status before. Would that be helpful?
Nevertheless I will look into it after work this evening, maybe I can find out something about it.

Me again, :-)
What equipment are you using when the problem occurs?

The optional setting would be nice anyway.
I was a using the Claas Axion 920 with a Claas crop sensor and the Lizard LM 72 plow.

I just tried it with a combine harvester and it worked. But then i changed a setting in the Headland Management menu and now it doesn't work again.

Which setting did you change?

I changed Speedcontrol because it didn't work right. And then it broke

Tried fideling with it and whenever i change a setting in the menu. It breaks

The Speed Control Mod also breaks if i turn it off in the Headland Management menu. And it won't fix itself if i turn it back on

Are you using the VCA-Mod, too? Especially the hold-speed function of it?
Sorry, if I don't react immediately, but I try to reproduce your problems in the meantime.

Yes i am using VCA. And I'm not using hold speed.
And it totally fine. I'm having a hard time with the notification function on github anyway. So I late to answer aswell.

I've found out, that there seem to be several issues if using the crop sensor. So the plow won't turn sometimes until the sensor is detached and then re-attached again.
But I wasn't able to break SpeedControl or Guidance Steering. What is the behavior, if you detach an re-attach the header of your harvester?

I don't know. I'll have to try again.

Detaching and re-attaching the header did not work for the Harvester. Guidance steering still won't turn on

Just to understand correctly: It won't turn on generally, or won't turn on after being switched off by Headland Management?
Which harvester do you use?

It won't turn on if the Headland Management Keybind is set to the same button as Guidance steering.
I probably should have said that :3

Please try it with different keybindings. Headlandmanagement defaults to shift-x, while Guidance Steering defaults to alt-x. If the keybindings are the same, it is possible that Guidance Steering is shut down while Headland Management is started, or Guidance Steering ist shut down, while being re-activated by Headland Management.

Conflicting keybindings always will result in error constellations.

It works when they're different keybinds, the weird thing is just that it worked perfectly to start with, when they were on the same keybind. So i figured that this mod worked with having the same keybinds. Because it did. To start with

And now it works on the same keybind. Again

That may be for a while, but it's always random behavior. I can't recommend it.

I can see that now. But it was just so convenient to have them on the same button. But I guess it's just a limitation of the game

Yes, this is a limitation of the game. But I'm glad, that this issue seems to be solved. So I have a little time left to return to farming on MVP19... ;-)
Ok, if I close this issue?

Yes. You can close it.
Thank you for making this amazing mod. I'm excited to see what you will come up with in the future :3