
Guidance steering re enables after turn?

talianagisan opened this issue · 3 comments

So it seems right now that VCA is the only one that supports re-enabling after a turn. Are there plans to bring this to guidance steering as well or no? VCA is nice but it's... massive and slightly clunky while guidance steering has neater UI and easier to use.

Which version are you using?
The most actual dev-version already supports re-enabling of guidance steering after turning. The feature is called "automatic field mode" there. The dev-version will be released to ModHub soon, after our tests are finished.

Which version are you using? The most actual dev-version already supports re-enabling of guidance steering after turning. The feature is called "automatic field mode" there. The dev-version will be released to ModHub soon, after our tests are finished.

I actually am not using the dev version so I'll go and do that. How well does it work so far?

The dev version works very well so far. There is a good chance, that this will be the next ModHub version.
As this is a dev version, it will create many log entries for debugging purposes. This isn't a bug. ;-)