
Two point turn not functioning properly with VCA

xVirusXx opened this issue · 6 comments

I cannot get two point turning to work. It still executes a full turn.

Which version (ModHub or GitHub) are you using and which plow? Please provide your logfile, so that I can see what's going on. via ModHub(in-game)


To avoid misunderstandings: What do you mean with "two point turn"? If you mean Plow turn: "Two step turn", please tell me, which plow you're using, so that I can try to reproduce it.

Correct, and I am using the first John Deere Medium Tractor (7810).

No matter what I try it always attempts to do a full single motion turn.

Ok. The function "Two step turn" is for turning the plow behind the tractor. It can be turned full, or halfway at the beginning of the turning maneuver and halfway at the end of the turning maneuver. It's not for the turning maneuver itself.
For turning, Headland Management calls the corresponding VCA function and this function only make full turns.