
Turn off saved config

cwhandersen opened this issue · 5 comments

I was wondering if you could add an option to not use the saved configurations. Cause I mostly use the same config for all implements so I don't need them changing when I use new implements. Let me know what you think.

if you are using the same config for all implements, then loading a config while adding an attachment shouldn't affect anything.
The config is saved while de-attaching an implement type and loaded again while re-attaching the same implement type. So all saved configs should be identical.

Hmm. That's what I figured. But now that I think about it. It was while playing multiplayer. Could it have any effect if another person were to enter the vehicle with the attachment on?

If so, then just let me know. While testing in MP we didn't experience any unwanted changes. But this handling is a little bit tricky with ManualAttach in mind.

I will see if it works as intended the next time i play MP. And I will let you know if not.
Thanks for this amazing mod btw.

I've finally played multiplayer again and could test Headland Management with someone.

If I buy a new tractor and then jump in it and change settings in HLM. If someone else then jumps in it. Without going in to the menu. It changes the settings to default again. And it gets quite annoying sometimes.
If they then change the settings in the vehicle, it also changes for me.

Is that something you think you can do anything about?
Please let me know what you think :)