
Liquid syntax error: Unknown tag 'mermaid'

ManuelSchneid3r opened this issue · 6 comments

I build a page containing mermaid code using jekyll on travis. Afaik I set everything up as defined in the docs. However it is failing. What am I doing wrong?


  Liquid Exception: Liquid syntax error (line 28): Unknown tag 'mermaid' in /home/travis/build/albertlauncher/documentation/src/_docs/extensions/python.md
      Jekyll 4.1.0   Please append `--trace` to the `build` command 
                     for any additional information or backtrace. 
The command "jekyll build -s src -d ./site  && htmlproofer ./site" exited with 1.

Travis config

os: linux
dist: xenial
language: ruby

install: gem install jekyll html-proofer jekyll-mermaid

      - libcurl4-openssl-dev  # Avoid ssl errors

script: jekyll build -s src -d ./site  && htmlproofer ./site

  provider: script
  skip_cleanup: true
    branch: master
  script: ./deploy.sh

jekyll config

title: Albert
email: manuelschneid3r@gmail.com
description: > # this means to ignore newlines until "baseurl:"
  Write an awesome description for your new site here. You can edit this
  line in _config.yml. It will appear in your document head meta (for
  Google search results) and in your feed.xml site description.
baseurl: "" # the subpath of your site, e.g. /blog
url: https://albertlauncher.github.io
github_username:  manuelschneid3r
repository: https://github.com/albertlauncher/albert.git
exclude: [vendor]

    output: true

- jekyll-mermaid

Had the same issue, this fixed it for me: #7 (comment)

@siriobalmelli what is this gemfile? sorry if dumb. i know nothing about ruby. just unsing jekyll.

@ManuelSchneid3r I'm not an expert either ... but you probably have a gemfile in the top level of your Jekyll project, with a list of gems (ruby packages) that are used by the project.

There are no gemfiles. I listed the gems in the jekyll config. See the repo.

Okay meanwhile I switched to docker hubs jekyll/jekyll. I have the Gemfile in the root dir. I have jekyll-mermaid installed therefore.


source "https://rubygems.org"
git_source(:github) {|repo_name| "https://github.com/#{repo_name}" }
gem "jekyll"
gem "jekyll-mermaid"

In the _config.yml I have

- jekyll-mermaid

Still no graphs

Why don't you just include the html in the markdown file like I do here resulting in the page https://svrooij.io/2021/04/01/generate-flows-from-markdown/

Jekyll doesn't really need the plugin to just show the graphs in Github Pages.

Edit: I dit try this plugin first (because it looked like a better way), as you can see in this commit svrooij/svrooij.github.io@1deca4e#diff-a97461fa07cf302d473cb040035aca0322d9bbbde0e3c99ac39140094884f9a9