Bronson-panel is a touchscreen-enabled, mobile-ready, web powered home automation control panel system.
- Raspberry pi 3
- Arduino with rfm69
- mqtt
Open source software used:
- Rasbian OS
- Laravel PHP Framework
- Bootstrap
- Fontawesome
- Jquery
- Backstretch JS
- Simpleweather JS
- Jquery Idle
- PHP, Composer, Nginx/Apache
Features a slideshow on idle of screen pictures located in folder public/slideshow, automatically pulls in weather data, wind speed for your location. More to come.
Bronson-panel requires PHP, Composer
Install the dependencies and start the web server. Point to public/ as primary directory for web server.
Setup Laravel requirements
$ cd where-you-downloaded-code
$ composer update
$ chmod 755 -R storage
$ chmod 755 -R bootstrap/cache/
Make sure you have rasbian setup and install on SD card then setup an autoscript to run chrome on boot in kiosk mode.
Example from Rasbian put the following into file /home/pi/scripts/start_chromium_browser
chromium-browser --kiosk --app=$(head -n 1 /home/pi/site.txt)
Setup the file /home/pi/site.txt with the URL where to open project should be where webserver is located. Ideally you could setup /etc/hosts with entry to the location of the server or run it directly on the PI as well.
Option B: Install something like fullOS