
List styles borked in Firefox

jasoncostello opened this issue · 9 comments


screen shot 2013-12-11 at 1 09 27 pm

Fixed in 45569d8

Lists render like this now:

screen shot 2013-12-11 at 3 30 06 pm

I’m afraid the issue isn’t fixed.

There is an issue with Firefox and list items that include block elements, such as paragraphs and the inside property (according to http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1142314/css-rendering-inconsistency-on-ul-with-firefox-being-the-odd-ball-out).

I will make a pull request to fix the issue.

Well, I’m afraid I cannot provide pull request, because I don’t know which code is to be modified (I don’t know how normalize works).

The relevant part of stylesheet.css should read:

ul {
  list-style-position: inside;
  list-style: disc;
  padding-left: 20px;

ol {
  list-style-position: inside;
  list-style: decimal;
  padding-left: 20px;

instead of

ul {
  list-style: inside;
  padding-left: 20px;

ol {
  list-style: decimal inside;
  padding-left: 20px;

I have checked this and it fixes the issue.

Many thanks for your help,


What's up @ousia,

This is fixed, I just haven't deployed the changes to the GitHub automatic page generator yet (note these files are not the files for the generator, they need to be updated separately). I have another bug I want to fix before I update it.

My screen cap from above is from FireFox and displays list items with block level items rendering correctly. The styles that you reference above are out of date. I am not using list-style: inside at all. Instead it's styled with margins and padding.

Regarding Normalize.css, it's just a modern stylesheet reset to normalize style across browsers. Should you ever choose to use it, you can import it at the top of a stylesheet and declarations that follow it simply override them, due to the cascade. More about it here: http://necolas.github.io/normalize.css/

Sorry, Jason, I just thought that the fix was already published.

@ousia No problem! I really appreciate you pointing it out, thanks again ✨

@jsncostello Since there are no news, how about a temporary patch until the thing is eventually fixed?

@jasoncostello, any news on this?

@ousia I'm trying to get to this by the end of the week. I'll ping you back when it's shipped.