
[WIP] Language Server implementation for Apple Pkl language written in Swift

Primary LanguageSwiftApache License 2.0Apache-2.0



Language server for Apple Pkl language written in Swift.


This language server is still in a very early development stage.

The goal of this project is to make a fully functional Language Server for Pkl language and have lots of fun.


I would really love to make it a community driven project, so don't hesitate to contribute or help in any way possible.

The Discord Server is there for any question, help, advice or just casual chatting.

Also check out Unofficial Pkl Community Discord Server, lots of great people there discussing Pkl. They also have a channel about LSPs!

And don't forget to check Code of Conduct.

Feature Status

Feature Status
Completion 🟢
Definition 🟢
Diagnostics 🟠
Document Symbols 🟢
Renaming 🟠
Semantic Highlighting WIP
  • 🟢 -- Feature is working
  • 🟠 -- Feature is working, however due to early development stage may be incomplete or not working as intended (disabled by default, can be enabled with --enable-experimental-features)
  • 🔴 -- Not planned
  • TBA -- Work on the feature is not yet in progress, but it's being looked into
  • WIP -- Development work on the feature is actively progressing

Installing and running from source

Install libjemalloc:

(Alternatively, you can comment out benchmarking target in Package.swift and skip this step)

# macOS (Homebrew)
brew install jemalloc

# Linux
sudo apt install libjemalloc-dev

Clone repository and build the project:

git clone https://github.com/jayadamsmorgan/PklLanguageServer --recurse-submodules
cd PklLanguageServer
swift build -c release --target pkl-lsp-server

Install (optional):

sudo cp .build/release/pkl-lsp-server /usr/bin/.

Now you can run the server with:


Check help for more options:

pkl-lsp-server -h

Editor support


By default, pkl-lsp-server will use standard output and info log level to print logs.

To write debug info into the file you can use:

pkl-lsp-server --log debug --log-file pkl-lsp.log

This will run the server and print out debug information into pkl-lsp.log file created in the directory where server was started.

Honorable mentions

Huge shoutout to Mattie, creator of LanguageServerProtocol and SwiftTreeSitter libraries.

This project could not have been possible without his great work and huge help. Check out his awesome blog.