
Doesn't work in next.js project

ojelicoder opened this issue · 3 comments

Hello there,
Screen Shot 2021-05-28 at 02 28 43

I'm adding to my Next.js project as follows.
import AddToCalendarHOC from 'react-add-to-calendar-hoc';

const AddToCalendarModal = AddToCalendarHOC (Button, CalendarModal),
isiOS = /iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(navigator.userAgent),
[event, setEvent] = useState (null);
useEffect(() => {
const startDatetime = moment (). utc (). add (2, 'days'),
endDatetime = startDatetime.clone (). add (2, 'hours'),
duration = moment.duration(endDatetime.diff(startDatetime)).asHours();

    const event = {
        description: 'Description of event. Going to have a lot of fun doing things that we scheduled ahead of time.',
        endDatetime: endDatetime.format('YYYYMMDDTHHmmssZ'),
        location: 'NYC',
        startDatetime: startDatetime.format ('YYYYMMDDTHHmmssZ'),
        title: 'Super Fun Event',

    setEvent (event);

and I am getting error as below.
ReferenceError: CalendarModal is not defined

Can you help me?

Yea, that's because you never imported or defined CalendarModal. If you look at the code of the examples, you'll see that CalendarModal is imported here.

I just created a very simple CalendarModal as an example, but as this is a HOC, you should use whatever component you want. The CalendarModal example uses react-modal.

Hi @jasonleibowitz ,

Thank you so much for your answer.. Yes, when I add a modal, this error is gone, but the modal does not open. You can see it in the screenshot. Where exactly am I going wrong?

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Hi @jasonleibowitz,

After a few edits I see it working.

Thank you so much.

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