
Streak is wrong

Closed this issue · 6 comments

On my profile, your extension reports my streak as 369 days. However, my correct streak (which the "Github Original Streak" chrome extension reports correctly) is 1478 days.

It'd be great if you showed the correct count :-)

Yeah I wish I could get the full streak, but if it’s longer than a year the extension can’t see it. I only have access to the contributions on the page.

Then how can the other chrome extension see it? It’s clearly possible.

It’s possible by paginating through previous years with additional requests. I’m not interested in this tbh and have considered removing streaks from the extension altogether.

Gotcha. That’s unfortunate, why?

Basically for the same reasons we removed streaks on github.com. We don't want to encourage people to string together endless days of work as it's not a healthy behavior. Besides, it's an easy metric to game and ultimately doesn't mean much.

i think that’s an incredibly paternalistic and patronizing attitude - open source may be work for some, but it’s a daily hobby/joy/meditation/practice for others like myself.

What it means is subjective, and it’s ease to game is exactly why it can be a personal point of pride to not do so. It’d be fine if a user wanted to hide the streak, or if t was hidden by default, but it should also be fine for a user to show it if they want to.

I’d certainly suggest removing streak data from the extension if you’re not going to display it accurately, thanks for the discussion.