
Home page

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Home page

Begin coding home page, get basic layout completed

Started to get a basic layout coded

Have throwaway pictures and have a general design up. Am currently working on positioning the block into the 4 corners and having a column in the middle

Tooltips- possible way to show that short description of what the linked page is. (not a good way to link) can possibly use Custom actions-Cards which shows something when clicked

Background color- using the closest match to FU midnight purple (deep-purple darken-4)
Need to work on making the whole page the same background color

Am trying to change the way the cards are created from a for loop to not in a loop so that I can format them into the corners. Once that is completed the column in the middle will not be difficult to implement

Changed the way the side navigation transitioned onto the page from y-transition to x-transition

am having difficulties with vue and am trying to do as much as I can with CSS but it seems like vue has commands that override the CSS. This is prevalent in the alignment of the 4 boxes which basic CSS cannot affect even when divs are placed around them and they have specific ids. Will continue trying to get CSS and Vue to corporate.

_need to explore how to ask the backend to provide the calendar snippets and most recent blog posts _

Add nav bar to top of page and bind to browser so page goes underneath when user scrolls

nav bar is on top of the page and is fixed to the page such that the page goes underneath when the user scrolls.

Costa and I discovered a problem where the top two cards do not maintain their height and slip below the top of the bottom cards. Costa thinks this can be corrected by implementing 2 for loops instead of 1.

implement the multiple for loops and get the CINC logo on the top