Hyphens stop autocompletion in Blade templates
Opened this issue · 3 comments
Typing a Tailwind class in a Blade file will correctly autocomplete until you type a -
character, at which point it immediately stops. I'm afraid I don't know enough about writing Nova completion providers to know whether this is actually a bug in the Blade extension; if it is, I haven't been able to find it. (It's not my extension.)
This also happens in Twig files using the Twig syntax highlighting extension
Hmm. That makes me a bit more suspicious that it's either the Tailwind extension or a bug in Nova; this is actually issue #1 here, and supposedly that was resolved in Nova 2.0. But was it? 🧐
Hi guys. Thanks for letting me know about the issue.
Nova recently made a significant change related to parsing documents, they are now using treesitter, which may be the cause of the problem. This has been an ongoing issue and it is possible there is now a better way to handle these completions, but I haven't had the time to look into it. It's definitely on the radar and I will spend some time on it as soon as I am able.