
Unable to install on OS X Lion

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ruby -e 'p RUBY_PLATFORM' # => x86_64-darwin11.2.0

If you need anything else, do tell. Would be nice if one could support using a system-installed gccxml, and having the gccxml_gem be optional.

Hmm, oversight on my part there. I did build in a hook in RbGCCXML to not require gccxml_gem use (RbGCCXML.parse_xml), but I did end up putting a hard require on the gem, didn't I? You can definitely install the library using gem install rbgccxml --ignore-dependencies to get around the gccxml_gem issue.

As for a gccxml_gem for Lion, I haven't gotten one up as I haven't gotten GCC-XML to run right on this platform yet (some missing __builtins). I'll tackle this again, maybe homebrew's build does something I'm not doing.

And as pertaining to this issue directly, I should probably have a fallback if there isn't a binary gem to search the user's PATH before finally erroring out, and ensuring there's a pure-ruby gccxml_gem for these cases.

Neat, did not know about the --ignore-dependencies option. Awesome. Too bad rubygems tries to activate gccxml (as the gemspec says it should be available; might be a bug in rubygems, who knows) when I require rbgccxml though.

But yeah, apart from gccxml being a hard dependency in the gemspec, it’s also required here: http://goo.gl/K3pst — that’s fine though, I can work around it by playing a bit with the load path and just throwing in an empty gccxml.rb there; problem solved!

Now, if I also use bundler, add myself a minimal gemspec and point to my bogus gccxml.rb I can finally run my specs. Unfortunately there’s a bug in parser.rb preventing any use of pregenerated XML. So I’ve created a new issue for that, see #10.

Maybe I can work around that last issue temporarily by using RbGCCXML.parse instead, giving it a specifically crafted hash. Let’s see.

Thanks for your response :)

PS: My fake mini-gem: https://gist.github.com/1479005. Can directly point to it from bundler. I might even be able to run my specs on travis now. \o/

Yeah strange, I must not have a test for that case. I'll get that fixed and I'll update the library to continue on if it doesn't load gccxml.

Ok I think I've got everything covered now. #10 is now fixed and I've pushed up a pure-ruby version of gccxml_gem that looks for gccxml on the system's PATH if it doesn't find it installed locally (which it won't in this case).

I should do a full rebuild and push of gccxml_gem for all binary versions but that will take a little longer. For now please grab the newest rbgccxml (1.0.3) which should grab the non-binary gccxml_gem and let me know what you find.

Yup. Both .parse_xml, and .parse using my own compiled version of gccxml, appear to work with the new versions. Thanks!

Cool beans! As always, let me know if anything else crops up.