
Deep Well Should Run Dry (5000 years)

Closed this issue · 9 comments

1 year is 1 minute. I propose deep wells should exhaust after 5000 years (83 hours roughly 3.5 days)

Firstly, this is more realistic. Wells do in fact run dry in real life (or at least need time to recover).

Secondly, this will solve the issue of players constantly returning to old bases which is, in my opinion, the main issue
RUINING THE GAME (and why I stopped playing after probably 1000+ hours).

Should be closed as this is a complaint and not an actual issue.

It's a game wrecking ISSUE and has been mentioned by numerous players, numerous times.

Infinite deep well (and it's exploitation) was ultimately the cause of eve spawn breaking for weeks such that jason had to fix it.

If that is not an issue, I don't know what is.

Throughout the history of the game people have ALWAYS went back to towns in they want to. It’s goofy for you to complain about wells being the issue here.

There’s also no reason to balance around the hardcore veterans because this game is going to be easy for someone with 1000 hours and is near impossible for someone playing new with vanilla client.

Players naturally cannot stay somewhere forever as oil eventually goes dry or families get too far away to easily distribute the requires items to maintain a family.

It requires skilled players to keep an older town functional anyways because there’s so few willing or able to go get kerosene started for the server.

As everyone says: if you’re bored go play something else instead of complaining about wells of all things in game.

Yeah, this is whiny nonsense that has already been adressed as a non-issue.

Sorry the game isn't fun for you anymore, it sounds like it's probably time to move on and find new games to play.

As everyone says: if you’re bored go play something else instead of complaining about wells of all things in game.
Sorry the game isn't fun for you anymore, it sounds like it's probably time to move on and find new games to play.

This is not at all true I still very much enjoy the game.
The issue is that EVERY time I log in (sometimes for weeks) there are only 3-4 families ALL at kerosine well (or at least well into newcomen well such that its almost dead)

OHOL is ultimately an ARCADE game. You start a town, go through the stages, then it dies and you START OVER.

Every time I log in I'm FORCED to start the last stage, skipping 70-80% game content.
OF COURSE that's boring. It's like having to constantly load some idiot's shitty save file in order to play.

Eve should simply be an option, always, on every server. Or the eve rate needs to be dialed up 200-300%

Or at VERY LEAST deep wells should collapse so that at least ONCE A WEEK people can actually play the WHOLE GAME on a populated server.

The only other workaround is FORCE SPLITTING families off of old towns

While its not that hard to do this, it s tedious and requires looted tools (cheating) to keep food up with the hunger decay

This method similarly skips over and disrupts the early play content

OF COURSE that's boring. It's like having to constantly load some idiot's shitty save file in order to play.

This is your opinion, and that's fine, however my opinion differs [as well as many other people's] in that collaboratively advancing up the tech tree is just how this game is designed to be played. It is a "civilization building" game according to Jason.

After all, Jason did say the point of the game is that you are one small part of a much larger story. If you want a single-player experience, there are many games [including OHOL] which offer this, but that is not how the game is meant to be played.

Eve should simply be an option, always, on every server

Also, an opinion, still not an issue. If this were the case, the limited playerbase would make sustaining families impossible, which is antithetical to OHOL as a "parenting" game.

It's a game wrecking ISSUE and has been mentioned by numerous players, numerous times

Lately, I've seen it mostly come from you and most of the time people jump in to disagree with you and consider your proposed alternatives as unwanted.

the issue of players constantly returning to old bases which is, in my opinion, the main issue RUINING THE GAME

Fortunately, you seem to understand that this is an opinion, which is good. Nevertheless, I return to my earlier point of this being a non-issue and an opinion which is not shared by myself or many other active players.

The things you complain about, while claiming your opinions as indicative of the community at-large, are not problems with the game. They are problems with your ability to enjoy the game as it is currently played by the majority of the playerbase.

It is difficult to be left behind by changing times, I understand, but I do not believe it is everyone's responsibility to nerf their gameplay to suit your tastes.

I refer you to my earlier comment:
Sorry the game isn't fun for you anymore, it sounds like it's probably time to move on and find new games to play.

OF COURSE that's boring. It's like having to constantly load some idiot's shitty save file in order to play.

That's literally the point of the game. Almost every life, you are born into a society that is already established. You pick up the projects of those who are already passed. You will probably leave a project of your own half finished. This not a single player game where you control every aspect of the town. If you want that, play your own server.

That's literally the point of the game. Almost every life, you are born into a society that is already established. You pick up the projects of those who are already passed. You will probably leave a project of your own half finished. This not a single player game where you control every aspect of the town. If you want that, play your own server.


I think OHOL is a game you have to have a collaborative mindset to enjoy.

Clearly, the OP is unwilling to be a team player and wants a solution made to suit their tastes, even at the expense of others. This is a selfish mindset and this idea would actively be a detriment to the game.

This issue should be closed as a complaint.