
Installation process fails when Hammerspoon is already installed

spring-haru opened this issue · 5 comments


I attempted to install ControlEscape.spoon, following the steps explained in the site. Then, the process generates an error at the stage of script/setup with the following error message in Terminal:

brew bundle can't satisfy your Brewfile's dependencies.
Satisfy missing dependencies with `brew bundle install`.
Using caskroom/cask
==> Satisfying dependencies
==> Downloading https://github.com/Hammerspoon/hammerspoon/releases/download/0.9.55/Hammerspoon-0.9.55.zip
Already downloaded: /Users/Tetsu/Library/Caches/Homebrew/Cask/hammerspoon--0.9.55.zip
==> Verifying checksum for Cask hammerspoon
==> Installing Cask hammerspoon
Error: It seems there is already an App at '/Applications/Hammerspoon.app'.
Error: Install incomplete.
Installing hammerspoon has failed!
Homebrew Bundle failed! 1 Brewfile dependencies failed to install.

Entering hs.loadSpoon("ControlEscape") in init.lua also generates an error.

Can you suggest what to do next?

  • Hammerspoon 0.9.55 is installed.
  • osMac Sierra 10.12.6
==> Installing Cask hammerspoon
Error: It seems there is already an App at '/Applications/Hammerspoon.app'.
Error: Install incomplete.
Installing hammerspoon has failed!
Homebrew Bundle failed! 1 Brewfile dependencies failed to install.

I'm guessing that this failure ☝️ is due to Hammerspoon being installed manually (i.e., not installed via homebrew) prior to running script/setup. Can you try dragging /Applications/Hammerspoon.app to the trash and re-running script/setup?

Note: Ideally, script/setup would gracefully handle the scenario where Hammerspoon has already been manually installed. Instead of aborting the setup process, it should just keep going. If anyone knows of a way to tell homebrew to try to install the Hammerspoon cask, but keep going if Hammerspoon is already installed, I'm all ears. 😅

Thanks. I followed your instruction, and installation finished without problem with a message in Terminal:

brew bundle can't satisfy your Brewfile's dependencies.
Satisfy missing dependencies with `brew bundle install`.
Using caskroom/cask
Installing hammerspoon
Homebrew Bundle complete! 2 Brewfile dependencies now installed.
No matching processes belonging to you were found

Hammerspoon version 0.9.54 or greater required. Actual installed version:
hammerspoon: 0.9.55

Done! Be sure to verify your version of Hammerspoon above. If your version is older than 0.9.54, run 'brew update && script/setup' to install a compatible version.

Running script/setup, Hammerspoon has been updated to 0.9.56.

Adding hs.loadSpoon("ControlEscape") in init.lua does not generate an error.

However, tapping Ctrl alone does not give Escape.
I checked it using MacVim and Karabiner-EventViewer.

Thanks for following up.

Adding hs.loadSpoon("ControlEscape") in init.lua does not generate an error.

If installation succeeded fully, your ~/init.lua file should include this line:

hs.loadSpoon('ControlEscape'):start() -- Load Hammerspoon bits from https://github.com/jasonrudolph/ControlEscape.spoon

If that line is not in your ~/init.lua file, please add it and restart Hammerspoon.

If that resolves the issue for you, great! If not, please share the contents of your ~/init.lua file, and I'll try to help you figure out what's going wrong.

It worked! Thanks for your help (^_^)

It worked!

Excellent! Thanks for letting me know. 🍰