
Vim replacement?

cwagner22 opened this issue · 1 comments

I was starting to learn vim before discovering the (S)uper (D)uper Mode. I'm curious if you think it's still worth it to use vim or not, so far I really like your mode and am probably gonna use it instead.

I'm curious if you think it's still worth it to use vim or not ...

That's a very personal choice. 😇 There are probably as many opinions on that matter as their are programmers. 😬

With that in mind, I can only offer my personal opinion. Personally, I use Atom as my primary editor, and I use (S)uper (D)uper Mode's vim keys to navigate left/down/up/right in Atom and in every other app on my Mac. As noted in the README, I value that consistency:

I want the same (more useful) keyboard in every app.
Ubiquitous keyboarding.
Muscle memory.
Don't make me think.

How do I go to the beginning of the line in this app?
The same way I go to the beginning of the line in every app!
Don't make me think.

How do I go to the top of the file/screen/page in this app?
The same way I...
Well, you get the point.


That said, for those times when I'm ssh'ed into a server, and there's no Atom in sight, I find it valuable to be able to get around and perform basic editing in vim. Vim is definitely my preferred terminal-based editor.

I hope this helps.