
Period - "." stops working after sometime

novicebaba opened this issue · 4 comments

When I load the Hammerspoon config (which loads this keyboard), for sometime the period character "." works as expected. Every key press of "." inserts the "." character.

Since the period is not remapped in any of the customized shortcuts, this is as expected.

However, after a while, consistently, I see that pressing the period key does not insert the period. Instead, the only way to insert a period is to consecutively press period twice (within a short time).

In order to insert every "." in this issue description, I had to press "." twice quickly to print it to the screen.

Now as I'm typing this, I'm reloading the Hammerspoon config. And all periods after this point was inserted with a single key press of "." .... -> each period corresponds to a single press now, after reloading the config.

This is an interesting issue. Any idea why this might be happening.

Any idea why this might be happening.

👋 @novicebaba: Unfortunately, I'm not sure why this is happening for you. I haven't seen this issue.

When you experience this issue, do you happen to notice any modal overlays in the bottom right corner of the screen like this?

Screen Shot 2021-10-05 at 7 47 07 PM

Screen Shot 2021-10-05 at 7 47 17 PM

If so, that would indicate that you're in an alternate mode, and that mode is intercepting the period character. Is that the behavior you're seeing?

Thanks @jasonrudolph for a quick response.
I forgot to mention that I did make a modification to my setup. I moved your version of panes.lua to backup and created an empty panes.lua file. The reason for this was because it was interfering with the iterm/tmux/vim that I had already going on. I'm not sure if this information makes a difference.

now back to your question - i was trying to reproduce the problem to see if one of these layouts were enabled. However, I dont see the problem right now. If I do see it later in the day, I'll check for the mode and respond back on this thread.

Hi @jasonrudolph .. I did face this problem later today (intermittently) and when it did happen, I checked and I saw that I was NOT in any mode - markdown/window or otherwise

I did face this problem later today (intermittently) and when it did happen, I checked and I saw that I was NOT in any mode - markdown/window or otherwise

Thanks for verifying that.

If you figure out a way to reliably reproduce this issue, please let me know. 🙇