secrets-thumbdriver Overview -------- In English: this secrets-thumbdriver utility enables you to encrypt a group of files into a format which is then easy to write to a thumb-drive. When finished, the next time you insert your thumb-drive into a Linux desktop machine, you'll be prompted for your password, then be able to access your files. In Nerd: secrets-thumbdriver creates a disk-image file ('image-secrets') within the current directory which is GUID-partitioned with a single LUKS-encrypted vfat partition whose contents are files you specify from a 'payload' directory. You may then `dd` this file to a series of thumb-drives. How to use ---------- Clone this repo. Place the secrets you wish to have encrypted into the 'payload' directory. invoke `./secrets-thumbdriver` `dd` the resultant 'image-secrets' disk-image file to a device of your choice, for example: sudo dd if=image-secrets of=/dev/sda status=progress ; sudo sync