Assignment 6 - The ToDo-List

Learning Objectives

The goal of this assignment is to strengthen your knowledge about SQL. It includes CREATE TABLE, SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE commands.
Furthermore, in this challenge, you will work with Express routes and multiple HTTP Requests (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE).

The goal is to create a small TODO-List application where you can create new tasks, set them as Done (i.e. tick them off), and delete tasks altogether.

Note: If you want to test your sub-routes (/todo/...) before implementing the frontend, consider using Postman ( for this.


Task 0 - Install the project

Run npm install and then run the script from your package.json. Find out where the port of your application is defined.

Task 1 - Create table

Have a look at Database.js and fill in the CREATE TABLE statement. Your table should have the following fields:

  • id = the primary key & identifier
  • task = the name of the task
  • priority = integer betwen 1 and 4
  • done = boolean flag

You can get some helpful resources here ( and here (

Task 2 - Implement the SELECT query

Implement the "SELECT ... FROM ..." query to get all relevant rows for your todo list. Replace the static object array in routes/index.js

Task 3 - Implement /add

Implement the "INSERT INTO ..." query to create a new TODO list item in routes/todo.js

Task 4 - Implement /delete

Implement the "DELETE FROM ..." query. Send the ID in the request body (like a POST request).

Task 5 - Implement /done

Implement the "UPDATE todo SET ..." query. Send the ID in the request body (like a POST request).

Bonus: If you want to be able to untick TODOs, send also the done=true/false inside the payload.

Task 6 - Implement frontend dynamics

Write some Javascript functions to send your requests to the adjacent /todo/... route. Consider reloading the page manually or return a redirect response to the main page.