
Running the project results into fatal error due to empty/null ConfigPath

StefH opened this issue · 3 comments

I've forked latest code and when running the app using F5, I get an error in SyncthingConfig.cs that ConfigPath is null in this code:

static SyncthingConfig()
    Watcher = new FileSystemWatcher(Path.GetDirectoryName(ConfigPath))
    . . . 

Another question, did you use a generator to create the SyncthingConfig.cs file ?
And why not just store these settings in the app.config ?

I'm also seeing this when compiling,

2015-02-23 09:46:12,533 - FATAL [1][SyncthingTray.Program][27]: System.TypeInitializationException: Typeinitialiseringen for SyncthingTray.SyncthingConfig forårsaket et unntak. ---> System.ArgumentNullException: Verdien kan ikke være null.
Parameternavn: path
ved System.IO.FileSystemWatcher..ctor(String path, String filter)
ved SyncthingTray.SyncthingConfig..cctor() i c:\Users\Joel\Desktop\SyncthingTray-master\SyncthingTray\SyncthingConfig.cs:linje 23
--- Slutten på sporingen av intern unntaksstakk ---
ved SyncthingTray.SyncthingConfig.add_ConfigurationChanged(SyncthingConfigEventHandler value)
ved SyncthingTray.Program.Main() i c:\Users\Joel\Desktop\SyncthingTray-master\SyncthingTray\Program.cs:linje 27

For the sake of sanity I've removed the old configs @ C:\Users\ user \AppData\Local\SyncthingTray before I ran the new build

  1. The code is trying to read the config.xml from SyncThing, which maybe fails when you don't have SyncThing installed.
  2. The SyncthingConfig.cs is generated (I think) from the config.xml from SyncThing. I wonder if the SyncThing project also defines an .XSD ?
StefH commented

Any update?