Listens for Stock news on Twitter, performs sentiment analysis by mining information from an online news source, performs supervised predictive modeling and suggests buy or sell decisions of the stock. Computes portfolio returns over time.
- amadeuzou
- amitbend
- baotongLongbridge Inc
- chafreakyLondon
- cjluo
- cris1133Brooklyn, NY
- EliasCai
- health1987sklmg
- hoball
- iyed
- Jackhuang945
- jastiSan Francisco
- killerjian007
- klisly
- lcya86beijing
- lhboy1984
- llazzaro:+1:
- llvll0hsenGermany
- madsurgeonSelf employed
- mihailmilea
- nazeeruddinikramFOSS4Good
- nycruz
- one10San Francisco
- puzzithinker
- RookieLawrence
- sfstargate
- sing1eeBillions Tech
- sxhfutHefei University of Technology
- tbino
- th3bl4cksmith
- tjxj
- tomdavenportDigital Marketing Specialist Ltd
- tonedo
- traceme
- treperShanghai
- Yue-ZHAOBeijing