

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Aiming for a release in #49 we should add some documentation.

Sphinx may be a good option

I've added Sphinx to a bunch of projects, and it looks like your docstrings are already very close to NumPy style (only spotted a few things that might not be parsed properly). I could have a go if I find time in the next few days, but don't let that stop you if you'd rather get things done sooner.

One thing I haven't set up before is readthedocs integration, which would publish new versions of the docs whenever the code is updated. I'm sure I could figure it out though.

Thanks @LiamPattinson
I'd quite like to tackle this one, as python and sphinx is something I've been meaning to learn for a while, and this repo is my learning playground ;)
However, I may well come to you with questions!
As you say, the docstrings are all there in numpy style, so should be reasonably straightforward from that point of view.