zoom on pdf is blurry
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sahilkale commented
We are using zoomooz on PDF , To launch the pdf we are using ng2 pdf viewer and for the spot zoom functionality we are using zoomooz , but when we actually zoom, particular section appears to be very blur and its not readable at all , can someone please help with the same ,
PDF Viewer Code :
<pdf-viewer [src]="pdfSrc" [render-text]="true" style="display: block; overflow: hidden;"
(after-load-complete)="afterPdfLoadComplete($event)" [show-all]="false" [(page)]="pdfpagenum"
[(zoom)]="pdfzoomval" [autoresize]="true" [original-size]="false" [fit-to-page]="true"
(page-rendered)="pageRendered($event)" (pageChange)="onPageChanged($event)" id="pdfviewer" *ngIf="showPDFReaderComponent">