Remove groovy-eclipse-compiler dependency
mlabuda opened this issue · 7 comments
We, in JBDS, are trying to provide support for Java EE. One part includes importing, building and deploying websockets inside JBDS. Unfortunately this is not possible because there is no maven groovy-eclipse-compiler connector for Eclipse Mars:
"No marketplace entries found to handle groovy-eclipse-compiler:2.8.0-01:add-groovy-build-paths in Eclipse. Please see Help for more information."
groovy-eclipse-compiler is also a dependency for maven-compiler-plugin. It results to errors of invalid path (packages) - maven structure is not resolvable successfully what cause incapability of building and deploying a websockets project to a server. It is possible to delete errors from problems view and try to deploy it on your own, but m2e will result in not working deployment, see following examples:
- Building examples from command line and deploying on a server works.
- Building examples from IDE via maven (opened context menu of a project "Run As -> Maven Build" with build command "clean install") and marking created *.war as deployable + deploying on a server works.
- Building examples from IDE with m2e (drag and drop project on a server OR selecting and server and choosing a deployable content) does not work. This is caused bcs of not resolvable project structure bcs of issues with connectors.
@mlabuda what is your proposal? i.e., what needs to be changed in existing project structure/pom.xml to simplify running these projects in JBDS?
I think we've covered the scenarios in here #291
That will encapsulate groovy dependency to a single spock showcase project
what's left is just a pull request... just ;-)
@mlabuda can you send a PR then? :)
It's not so simple as kuba said here #291 (comment)
Removing it only from maven-compiler-plugin dependencies and configuration makes mvn build failing.
Could you please look at it? Thanks.
What is the exact reason of failing build? Because the build is failing by default when running tests anyway ;)
"[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.1:testCompile (default-testCompile) on project jsf-bean-validation: Compilation failure
[ERROR] /home/equo/testing/java-ee7-samples/javaee7-samples/jsf/bean-validation/src/test/java/org/javaee7/jsf/bean/validation/[66,22] cannot access org.w3c.dom.ElementTraversal
[ERROR] class file for org.w3c.dom.ElementTraversal not found."
Before removing only groovy eclipse compiler from maven compiler plugin it worked. I am not running tests. Building is performed with goal "clean install -DskipTests"
Please have a look if this PR #310 works for you.
There is no Groovy / Spock dependecy unless you build the extra
module explicitly.
Your error seem to me quite suspicious though and might not be related to groovy itself.