
Server error

Closed this issue · 4 comments

This regexp throws server error:


The same

Server error



(a bit ugly way to match JavaScript's regular expressions)

forewer2000: The server error for your expression is now fixed, but it looks like there are several syntax errors, mostly "*" or "+" characters with nothing to repeat (the appear at the beginning of a parenthesized sub-expression).

Infocatcher: Your expression is now working. Be warned though that at this time you will see some incorrect results since you have included the "/.../g" syntax that JavaScript (and other languages) use to indicate a regular expression literal. This not currently supported (I will be adding support soon, probably today). See issue #5 for details on that.

Now it's working fine. There where another problem with email validation like this: ^(([^<>()[]\.,;:\s@\"]+(.[^<>()[]\.,;:\s@\"]+)*)|(
But it's ok now. Thanks