
Mr. Bot Sync PR- How it shows conflicts.

joaquinelio opened this issue · 7 comments

There are many conflicts in those files, #383
but the only one GIT treats as a conflict is the one recently added in the last ES merge,
the only one that disabled the merge button.

This branch has conflicts that must be resolved
Use the web editor or the to resolve conflicts.
Conflicting files

It would be nice to have the GITHUB conflicts tools for easy fixing all the conflicts,
but more important, without them you may miss changes and...
accidentally merge the files with >>> === <<< stuff ?

Can this be improved?
Just to know and spread the warning
@vplentinax @EzequielCaste @maksumi @lizzie136

For me, the "resolve" button is enabled:

I tried to show you the difference, I failed.
The resolve is only there for the ONE file merged AFTER the PR,
is not working for the 33 ones Mr.Bot found.

You can see it right there,
"Conflicting files"
One file.

If I resolve it, merge will be enabled again ignoring the rest.

I resolved OUR little conflict,
MERGE is enabled again


"NO CONFLiCTS" it says.

Merge works, I dangerously pressed it... then cancel.
I put it as draft now.

github somehow treats it as normal text,
I guess merge would add >>>> ==== stuff into the files.
something is missing.

That's it.

Git is right, There are NO conflicts at all

If I MERGE, (dont worry I didnt)

NEW lines will be added, ZERO conflicts.
Those lines are yours and will not overwrite anything,
it will add odd lines

+ "<<<<<<< HEAD"

old spanish untouched text

+ "======
+ "new english text...
+ "new english text...
+ "new english text...
+ "new english text...
+ ">>>>>> branch"

We can still safely use bot's PR,
We just need to pay MUCH attention in edition