
French Translation Progress

Opened this issue · 208 comments

Maintainer List


For New Translators

Please read this first (click to open)

To translate an article:

  1. Check that no one else has claimed your article in the checklist below.
  2. Comment below with the title of the article that you would like to translate, exactly as listed, e.g. An Introduction to JavaScript.
    • Please take only one article at a time.
  3. Fork this repo, translate the article in your fork and submit a pull request!
    • The pull request title should be same as the article, e.g. An Introduction to JavaScript (just like comment)

Please be prompt with your translations! If you find that you can't commit any more, let maintainers know so they can assign the page to someone else.

For Maintainers

Click to open

We recommend that a translation has 2 reviews to be merged.

Please let others know what you do, on community boards and chats, invite them to join. Translations become better if more people see them.

Translations are tracked below, like this:

Our helpful bot watches comments and adds the translator nick and PR id, marks completed, when PR is merged. You can read the details at

If something doesn't work right, please contact @iliakan.

Team translation

More details about team translation:

Only maintainers can check/uncheck items below. If you're not, please write in a comment what you take to translate, the title, exactly as in the list.

The JavaScript language

An introduction

JavaScript Fundamentals

Code quality

Objects: the basics

Data types

Advanced working with functions

Object properties configuration

Prototypes, inheritance


Error handling

Promises, async/await

Generators, advanced iteration



Browser: Document, Events, Interfaces


Introduction to Events

UI Events

Forms, controls

Document and resource loading


Frames and windows

Binary data, files

Network requests

Storing data in the browser


Web components

Regular expressions

Bubbling and capturing

Mutation observer

Focusing: focus/blur

Browser default actions

Quantifiers +, *, ? and {n}

Anchors: string start ^ and end $

Multiline mode of anchors ^ $, flag "m"

Backreferences in pattern: \N and \k

Events: change, input, cut, copy, paste

Character classes

Unicode: flag "u" and class \p{...}

Optional chaining '?.'

I am ready to tackle translation of ES2020 "Optional chaining '?.'" feature into French.

Optional chaining '?.'

I am ready to tackle translation of ES2020 "Optional chaining '?.'" feature into French.

I think you should simply rewrite your comment as Optional chaining '?.' and nothing else, so that the bot takes your request into account.

Basic operators, maths

From raphaelchalicarne:

I think you should simply rewrite your comment as Optional chaining '?.' and nothing else, so that the bot takes your request into account.

That's for a bot. Okay. Thanks Raphael. I will do that.

Optional chaining '?.'

Nullish coalescing operator '??'

Cookies, document.cookie

Object copying, references

Forms: event and method submit

Error: the article already has meta information in the Progress Issue "(@HachemiH)" ⁉️

From the orbital height

Bonjour, je voudrais bien m’occuper de CSS-animation :)

Bonjour, je voudrais bien m’occuper de CSS-animation :)

Tu devrais juste copier-coller le titre du chapitre qui t'intéresse en commentaire pour que le bot prenne en compte ta demande !

To translate an article:

Check that no one else has claimed your article in the checklist below.
Comment below with the title of the article that you would like to translate, exactly as listed, e.g. An Introduction to JavaScript.
Please take only one article at a time.


Reference Type

Conditional branching: if, '?'

@TevaHenry Conditional branching: if, '?' is already translated. The bot bug

Variable scope, closure

@TevaHenry same for 'Variable scope, closure'. Click on page to check if it is already translate

@TevaHenry same for 'Variable scope, closure'. Click on page to check if it is already translate

Yeah sorry, I haven't done this in a while.
I'll double check the pages.

Event delegation

TextDecoder and TextEncoder


Popups and window methods

File and FileReader

Dispatching custom events

Forms: event and method submit

Page: DOMContentLoaded, load, beforeunload, unload

Scripts: async, defer

Cross-window communication

Moving the mouse: mouseover/out, mouseenter/leave

The clickjacking attack

Object references and copying

Pointer events

Resource loading: onload and onerror

Custom elements

Async iteration and generators

Polyfills and transpilers

Mouse events

LocalStorage, sessionStorage

Methods of RegExp and String

Word boundary: \b

Escaping, special characters

Sets and ranges [...]

Greedy and lazy quantifiers

Alternation (OR) |

Je commence à traduire "01-cookie"

Selection and Range

JavaScript animations

Template element

Shadow DOM and events

Shadow DOM

Error: the article already has meta information in the Progress Issue "and events" ⁉️

Shadow DOM slots, composition

@HachemiH can we clean up a little the assignation who haven't given signs of life for a long time?

There are not many pages left, it would be bad to be blocked by afk people.

@HachemiH can we clean up a little the assignation who haven't given signs of life for a long time?

There are not many pages left, it would be bad to be blocked by afk people.

Yep good idea

@yatoogamii clean up done

Introduction: callbacks

@HachemiH I notice that we have 2 pages (Debugging in the browser & Error handling, "try...catch") already translated and used into can we fix this too ? To avoid people start translate it for nothing..

@HachemiH I notice that we have 2 pages (Debugging in the browser & Error handling, "try...catch") already translated and used into can we fix this too ? To avoid people start translate it for nothing..

Thank you, fixed

Cookies, document.cookie

Error: the article already has meta information in the Progress Issue "(@raphaelchalicarne) #218" ⁉️

Error: the article already has meta information in the Progress Issue "(@raphaelchalicarne) #218" ⁉️

@HachemiH I would like to work on this PR again but there was an issue with it. Do you think I can submit a new PR for this chapter?


Bezier curve

The clickjacking attack

Capturing groups

Salut @Pat6aC ,
tu peux commencer par lire le détail de cette issue, notamment cette partie là :

For New Translators
Please read this first (click to open)

To translate an article:

  1. Check that no one else has claimed your article in the checklist below.

  2. Comment below with the title of the article that you would like to translate, exactly as listed, e.g. An Introduction to JavaScript.

    • Please take only one article at a time.
  3. Fork this repo, translate the article in your fork and submit a pull request!

    • The pull request title should be same as the article, e.g. An Introduction to JavaScript (just like comment)

Please be prompt with your translations! If you find that you can't commit any more, let maintainers know so they can assign the page to someone else.

Bonsoir @Pat6aC pour "réserver" (si on peut le dire comme ça) un article à traduire il suffit de mettre ici en réponse un commentaire uniquement le titre de l’article, rien d’autre parce qu’il y a un bot qui fait le taff de suivi de qui fait quoi.

Une fois que ton article (et les exercices associés dans l’idéal) est fini, tu propose une pull request, avec pareil uniquement le titre de l’article pour que le bot puisse prendre en compte ta participation et fasse évoluer l’avancement.

En principe toutes les infos sont ici au début de cette issue et dans le de l’accueil.

Property getters and setters

J'ai fait une pull request il y a quelques jours mais j'ai des doutes quant à l'absence de réponses qui est peut-être normale?
Merci pour un retour, car j'aimerais continuer si tout est correct.

Bonjour, J'ai fait une pull request il y a quelques jours mais j'ai des doutes quant à l'absence de réponses qui est peut-être normale? image Merci pour un retour, car j'aimerais continuer si tout est correct.

Salut @Pat6aC oui c'est juste que vu que tu as démarré sur une page blanche, on ne peut pas vérifier que la traduction corresponde à l'article original en anglais, et que je dois faire la validation manuellement et que j'ai manqué de temps dernièrement, je fais ça dès que possible.

Dans l'idéal, ça serait cool de ne pas démarrer en supprimant tout, mais en remplaçant le texte anglais par du français, c'est plus facile pour la validation derrière.

Merci de ta compréhension.

Function binding

Sticky flag "y", searching at position

Searching: getElement*, querySelector*

Custom elements

Introduction to browser events

Sauf erreur de ma part "mouse events" est totalement traduit (article, exercice, solution) mais n'a pas le label "review needed" ou le statut validé.

Event loop: microtasks and macrotasks

LocalStorage, sessionStorage



Lookahead and lookbehind

Catastrophic backtracking

Form properties and methods

Bubbling and capturing

Mouse events

Unicode, String internals