allow() function never get called if I use enableGooglePlayLicensing with the correct key.
yarik1988 opened this issue · 3 comments
yarik1988 commented
- I have verified there are no duplicate active or recent bugs, questions, or requests.
- I have verified that I am using the latest version of PiracyChecker.
- I have given my issue a non-generic title.
- I have read over the documentation (before asking questions on how to do something).
- PiracyChecker version:
- Device OS version:
API 24
- Device Manufacturer:
- Device Name:
Pixel 3 (emulator)
new PiracyChecker(this)
.enableGooglePlayLicensing("MY KEY")
.callback(new PiracyCheckerCallback() {
public void allow() {
Log.e("Pirate Checker","Access granted");
public void doNotAllow(@NonNull PiracyCheckerError error, @Nullable PirateApp app) {
Log.e("Pirate Checker","Access declined");
public void onError(@NonNull PiracyCheckerError error) {
// This method is not required to be implemented/overridden but...
// You can either do something specific when an error occurs while checking the license,
// Or manage the error, using the 'error' parameter, yourself (Check errors at {@link PiracyCheckerError}).
I/LibraryChecker: Binding to licensing service.
I/LibraryChecker: Calling checkLicense on service for com.magicart.waterpaint.premium
I/LibraryChecker: Start monitoring timeout.
I/LibraryChecker: Received response.
I/LibraryChecker: Clearing timeout.
Reproduction Steps
- Paste above code into onCreate method of activity
Expected Result
- allow() function get called
Actual Result
allow() function never get called.
I suppose that PiracyChecker creates some thread that never ends.
jahirfiquitiva commented
are you installing the app from play store while testing?
yarik1988 commented
It seems I figured out why it's happening. I have two apps in google play, the first is published (everything works nice with this app), second still in review for internal testing, that's the reason I think.
yarik1988 commented
Everything is ok now, Piracy Checker works perfectly