You can play tictactoe in our website with only build Javascript.
Additional description about the project and its features.
Introduce the name of the players.
The game is played on a grid that's 3 squares by 3 squares.
You are X, your friend is O. Players take turns putting their marks in empty squares.
The first player to get 3 of their marks in a row (up, down, across, or diagonally) is the winner.
When all 9 squares are full, the game is over. If no player has 3 marks in a row, the game ends in a tie.
- Click the Live Demo link and enjoy our playing Tic Tac Toe.
- A modern browser, up to date.
- Clone the repository on your local machine
- Cd into the folder
- Run
npm install
- Run
npm test
on the root directory to run all the tests. - Run
npm test testfile.test.js
on root directory to run test for a single file.
- Create a AI to play with.
👤 Javier Oriol Correas Sanchez Cuesta
- Github: @javitocor
- Twitter: @JavierCorreas4
- Linkedin: Javier Oriol Correas Sanchez Cuesta
👤 Kubilay Caglayan
- Website: kubilay
- Github: @kubilaycaglayan
- Twitter: @kbcaglayan
- Linkedin: linkedin
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
- The Odin Project
- Microverse
This project is MIT licensed.