
Quickly build arbitrary size Hadoop Cluster based on Docker

Primary LanguageShell

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Quickly build arbitrary size Hadoop Cluster based on Docker

1. Project Introduction
2. Hadoop-Cluster-Docker image Introduction
3. Steps to build a 3 nodes Hadoop Cluster
4. Steps to build an arbitrary size Hadoop Cluster

##1. Project Introduction

The objective of this project is to help Hadoop developer to quickly build an arbitrary size Hadoop cluster on their local host. This is achieved by using Docker.

My project is based on alvinhenrick/hadoop-mutinode project, however, I've reconstructed it for optimization. Following table shows the differences.

Image Name                    Build time      Layer number     Image Size
alvinhenrick/serf             258.213s        21               239.4MB
alvinhenrick/hadoop-base      2236.055s       58               4.328GB
alvinhenrick/hadoop-dn        51.959s         74               4.331GB
alvinhenrick/hadoop-nn-dn     49.548s         84               4.331GB
Image Name                    Build time     Layer number       Image Size
kiwenlau/serf-dnsmasq         509.46s        8                  206.6 MB
kiwenlau/hadoop-base          400.29s        7                  775.4 MB
kiwenlau/hadoop-master        5.41s          9                  775.4 MB
kiwenlau/hadoop-slave         2.41s          8                  775.4 MB

#####Attention: old kernel version will cause failure while running my project

##2. Hadoop-Cluster-Docker image Introduction

In this project, I developed 4 docker images: serf-dnsmasq, hadoop-base, hadoop-master and hadoop-slave.


Based on ubuntu:15.04. serf and dnsmasq are installed for providing DNS service for the Hadoop Cluster.


Based on serf-dnsmasq, openjdk, openssh-server, vim and Hadoop 2.3.0 are installed.


Based on hadoop-base. Configure the Hadoop master node.


Based on hadoop-base. Configure the Hadoop slave node.

Following picture shows the image architecture of my project:

![alt text](https://github.com/kiwenlau/hadoop-cluster-docker/raw/master/image architecture.jpg "Image Architecture")

##3. steps to build a 3 nodes Hadoop cluster

#####a. pull image

sudo docker pull kiwenlau/hadoop-master:0.1.0
sudo docker pull kiwenlau/hadoop-slave:0.1.0
sudo docker pull kiwenlau/hadoop-base:0.1.0
sudo docker pull kiwenlau/serf-dnsmasq:0.1.0

check downloaded images

sudo docker images


REPOSITORY                TAG       IMAGE ID        CREATED         VIRTUAL SIZE
kiwenlau/hadoop-slave     0.1.0     d63869855c03    17 hours ago    777.4 MB
kiwenlau/hadoop-master    0.1.0     7c9d32ede450    17 hours ago    777.4 MB
kiwenlau/hadoop-base      0.1.0     5571bd5de58e    17 hours ago    777.4 MB
kiwenlau/serf-dnsmasq     0.1.0     09ed89c24ee8    17 hours ago    206.7 MB

#####b. clone source code

git clone https://github.com/kiwenlau/hadoop-cluster-docker

#####c. run container

 cd hadoop-cluster-docker


start master container...
start slave1 container...
start slave2 container...
  • start 3 containers,1 master and 2 slaves
  • you will go to the /root directory of master container after start all containers

list the files inside /root directory of master container



hdfs  run-wordcount.sh    serf_log  start-hadoop.sh  start-ssh-serf.sh

#####d. test serf and dnsmasq service

  • In fact, you can skip this step and just wait for about 1 minute. Serf and dnsmasq need some time to start service.

list all nodes of hadoop cluster

serf members


master.kiwenlau.com  alive  
slave1.kiwenlau.com  alive  
slave2.kiwenlau.com  alive
  • you can wait for a while if any nodes don't show up since serf agent need time to recognize all nodes

test ssh

ssh slave2.kiwenlau.com


Warning: Permanently added 'slave2.kiwenlau.com,' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
Welcome to Ubuntu 15.04 (GNU/Linux 3.13.0-53-generic x86_64)
 * Documentation:  https://help.ubuntu.com/
The programs included with the Ubuntu system are free software;
the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the
individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.
Ubuntu comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by
applicable law.

exit slave2 nodes



Connection to slave2.kiwenlau.com closed.
  • Please wait for a whil if ssh fails, dnsmasq need time to configure domain name resolution service
  • You can start hadoop after these tests!

#####e. start hadoop


#####f. run wordcount



input file1.txt:
Hello Hadoop

input file2.txt:
Hello Docker

wordcount output:
Docker    1
Hadoop    1
Hello    2

##4. Steps to build arbitrary size Hadoop cluster

#####a. Preparation

  • check the steps a~b of section 3:pull images and clone source code

#####b. rebuild hadoop-master

./resize-cluster.sh 5
  • you can use any interger as the parameter for resize-cluster.sh: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6...

#####c. start container

./start-container.sh 5
  • you'd better use the same parameter as the step b

#####d. run the Hadoop cluster

  • check the steps d~f of section 3:test serf and dnsmasq, start Hadoop and run wordcount
  • please test serf and dnsmasq service before start hadoop



一. 项目简介
二. 镜像简介
三. 3节点Hadoop集群搭建步骤
四. N节点Hadoop集群搭建步骤

##一. 项目简介



镜像名称	                  构建时间	   镜像层数	    镜像大小
alvinhenrick/serf	         258.213s     21	      239.4MB
alvinhenrick/hadoop-base	 2236.055s    58	      4.328GB
alvinhenrick/hadoop-dn	     51.959s      74	      4.331GB
alvinhenrick/hadoop-nn-dn    49.548s      84          4.331GB
镜像名称	                  构建时间	   镜像层数	   镜像大小
kiwenlau/serf-dnsmasq        509.46s      8	         206.6 MB
kiwenlau/hadoop-base	     400.29s	  7	         775.4 MB
kiwenlau/hadoop-master       5.41s        9	         775.4 MB
kiwenlau/hadoop-slave	     2.41s	      8	         775.4 MB


##二. 镜像简介

######本项目一共开发了4个Docker镜像: serf-dnsmasq, hadoop-base, hadoop-master, hadoop-slave.

#####serf-dnsmasq镜像 基于ubuntu:15.04镜像。安装serfdnsmasq. serf和dnsmasq可以为Hadoop集群提供DNS服务。

#####hadoop-base镜像 基于serf-dnsmasq镜像。安装openjdk, openssh-server, vim和Hadoop 2.3.0。

#####hadoop-master镜像 基于hadoop-base镜像,配置Hadoop的master节点。

#####hadoop-slave镜像 基于hadoop-base镜像。配置Hadoop的slave节点。


![alt text](https://github.com/kiwenlau/hadoop-cluster-docker/raw/master/image architecture.jpg "Image Architecture")

##三. 3节点Hadoop集群搭建步骤

#####1. 拉取镜像

sudo docker pull index.alauda.cn/kiwenlau/hadoop-master:0.1.0
sudo docker pull index.alauda.cn/kiwenlau/hadoop-slave:0.1.0
sudo docker pull index.alauda.cn/kiwenlau/hadoop-base:0.1.0
sudo docker pull index.alauda.cn/kiwenlau/serf-dnsmasq:0.1.0


sudo docker images


REPOSITORY                                TAG      IMAGE ID        CREATED         VIRTUAL SIZE
index.alauda.cn/kiwenlau/hadoop-slave     0.1.0    d63869855c03    17 hours ago    777.4 MB
index.alauda.cn/kiwenlau/hadoop-master    0.1.0    7c9d32ede450    17 hours ago    777.4 MB
index.alauda.cn/kiwenlau/hadoop-base      0.1.0    5571bd5de58e    17 hours ago    777.4 MB
index.alauda.cn/kiwenlau/serf-dnsmasq     0.1.0    09ed89c24ee8    17 hours ago    206.7 MB

#####2. 修改镜像tag

sudo docker tag d63869855c03 kiwenlau/hadoop-slave:0.1.0
sudo docker tag 7c9d32ede450 kiwenlau/hadoop-master:0.1.0
sudo docker tag 5571bd5de58e kiwenlau/hadoop-base:0.1.0
sudo docker tag 09ed89c24ee8 kiwenlau/serf-dnsmasq:0.1.0 


sudo docker images


REPOSITORY                               TAG      IMAGE ID        CREATED         VIRTUAL SIZE
index.alauda.cn/kiwenlau/hadoop-slave    0.1.0    d63869855c03    17 hours ago    777.4 MB
kiwenlau/hadoop-slave                    0.1.0    d63869855c03    17 hours ago    777.4 MB
index.alauda.cn/kiwenlau/hadoop-master   0.1.0    7c9d32ede450    17 hours ago    777.4 MB
kiwenlau/hadoop-master                   0.1.0    7c9d32ede450    17 hours ago    777.4 MB
kiwenlau/hadoop-base                     0.1.0    5571bd5de58e    17 hours ago    777.4 MB
index.alauda.cn/kiwenlau/hadoop-base     0.1.0    5571bd5de58e    17 hours ago    777.4 MB
kiwenlau/serf-dnsmasq                    0.1.0    09ed89c24ee8    17 hours ago    206.7 MB
index.alauda.cn/kiwenlau/serf-dnsmasq    0.1.0    09ed89c24ee8    17 hours ago    206.7 MB
  • 之所以要修改镜像,是因为我默认是将镜像上传到Dockerhub, 因此Dokerfile以及shell脚本中得镜像名称都是没有alauada前缀的,sorry for this....不过改tag还是很快滴
  • 若直接下载我在DockerHub中的镜像,自然就不需要修改tag...


git clone https://github.com/kiwenlau/hadoop-cluster-docker
  • 为了防止Github被XX, 我把代码导入到了开源**的git仓库
git clone http://git.oschina.net/kiwenlau/hadoop-cluster-docker

#####4. 运行容器

 cd hadoop-cluster-docker


start master container...
start slave1 container...
start slave2 container...
  • 一共开启了3个容器,1个master, 2个slave
  • 开启容器后就进入了master容器root用户的家目录(/root)




hdfs  run-wordcount.sh	serf_log  start-hadoop.sh  start-ssh-serf.sh
  • start-hadoop.sh是开启hadoop的shell脚本
  • run-wordcount.sh是运行wordcount的shell脚本,可以测试镜像是否正常工作



serf members


master.kiwenlau.com  alive  
slave1.kiwenlau.com  alive  
slave2.kiwenlau.com  alive
  • 若结果缺少节点,可以稍等片刻,再执行“serf members”命令。因为serf agent需要时间发现所有节点。


ssh slave2.kiwenlau.com


Warning: Permanently added 'slave2.kiwenlau.com,' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
Welcome to Ubuntu 15.04 (GNU/Linux 3.13.0-53-generic x86_64)
 * Documentation:  https://help.ubuntu.com/
The programs included with the Ubuntu system are free software;
the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the
individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.
Ubuntu comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by
applicable law.




Connection to slave2.kiwenlau.com closed.
  • 若ssh失败,请稍等片刻再测试,因为dnsmasq的dns服务器启动需要时间。
  • 测试成功后,就可以开启Hadoop集群了!其实你也可以不进行测试,开启容器后耐心等待一分钟即可!

#####6. 开启hadoop


#####7. 运行wordcount



input file1.txt:
Hello Hadoop

input file2.txt:
Hello Docker

wordcount output:
Docker	1
Hadoop	1
Hello	2

##四. N节点Hadoop集群搭建步骤

#####1. 准备工作

  • 参考第二部分1~3:下载镜像,修改tag,下载源代码

#####2. 重新构建hadoop-master镜像

./resize-cluster.sh 5
  • 不要担心,1分钟就能搞定
  • 你可以为resize-cluster.sh脚本设不同的正整数作为参数数1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6...

#####3. 启动容器

./start-container.sh 5
  • 你可以为resize-cluster.sh脚本设不同的正整数作为参数数1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6...
  • 这个参数呢,最好还是得和上一步的参数一致:)

#####4. 测试工作

  • 参考第三部分5~7:测试serf和dnsmasq服务,开启Hadoop,运行wordcount
  • 请注意,若节点增加,请务必先测试,然后再开启Hadoop, 因为serf可能还没有发现所有节点,而dnsmasq的DNS服务器表示还没有配置好服务