Unexpected space in main command usage
lox opened this issue · 1 comments
lox commented
func main() {
app := cli.App("aws-vault", "A vault for storing and accessing AWS credentials")
app.Command("add", "Add credentials to the vault", addCredentials)
app.Command("rm", "Remove credentials from the vault", removeCredentials)
app.Command("exec", "Execute a sub-process with credentials", addCredentials)
Note double space after aws-vault
Usage: aws-vault COMMAND [arg...]
A vault for storing and accessing AWS credentials
add Add credentials to the vault
rm Remove credentials from the vault
exec Execute a sub-process with credentials
Run 'aws-vault COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.
exit status 2
jawher commented
Thanks for noticing this bug and for creating this issue ! Should be fixed now.