
Problem in IE8 (and IE9's IE8 mode)

Closed this issue · 6 comments

jawj commented

Adding this as an issue for information, in case others run into it -- thanks to Michal Zimmerman for the emailed report.

as I don't have github account, I'd like to report a bug via e-mail.
Clicking the spiderfied markers for the first time causes the map pan
in IE8 (Leaflet 0.4.4, latest version). Other clicks than the first
one work as they are supposed to. Console says "not implemented" in
http://cdn.leafletjs.com/leaflet-0.4.4/leaflet.js on row 6, char 8158
on page load.

Hmm. Can you give me a test URL that demonstrates this? And can you tell me whether the demo page (http://jawj.github.com/OverlappingMarkerSpiderfier-Leaflet/demo.html) shows the same problem?

The demo page seems fine to me in IE9's IE8 mode.

You can see the issue at http://dev.zimmi.cz/leaflet/. Your demo map
works fine as long as you don't include the newest Leaflet version,
but if you load it with <script src="http://cdn.leafletjs.com/leaflet-0.4.4/leaflet.js"></script>,
you'll see the bug (I have already tried it out with the demo map to
make sure it is not caused by the code I wrote).

OK, I can reproduce this with v 0.4.4 of Leaflet, but I don't think it has anything to do with my library -- you'll see the same thing happen on the map on Leaflet's front page, http://leaflet.cloudmade.com/.

Replacing the minified Leaflet with the -src version, it seems to be caused by an assignment to document.onselectstart on line 716 (in function: enableSelectStart).

I suggest you report this to the Leaflet maintainers.

You're right, I'll let them know.

jawj commented

Seems to be a bug in the latest version of Leaflet, 0.4.4.

@jawj Do you know if this issue made it into the Leaflet issue queue?

jawj commented

Michal and I both reported it via Twitter, but not through the GitHub repo (oops). I can't find it in their issue queue, which seems odd for a bug that badly affects their home page. Do you mind reporting it?

jawj commented

OK, scratch that -- I'm reporting it now.

jawj commented

Update: 0.4.5 is still affected, but a fix is in the master branch, so presumably will be included in the next release.

See changelog here: https://github.com/CloudMade/Leaflet/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md

@jawj Cool bananas!