
variableTokenValueMap should be replaced with a real map and non comma-separated key=value pairs

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Sometimes the key or value to be replaced contains an equals sign and this can 
cause failures to properly transform even though the key is matched.

For example if I have the following in the pom.xml:

    <![CDATA[var getUrl = 'replaced_during_packaging_see_pom.xml';]]>=<![CDATA[<portlet:resourceURL escapeXml='false' id='get' var='getUrl'/>]]>,
    <![CDATA[var updateUrl = 'replaced_during_packaging_see_pom.xml';]]>=<![CDATA[<portlet:resourceURL escapeXml='false' id='update' var='updateUrl'/>]]>,
    <![CDATA[<!-- do not remove or move this comment -->]]>=<![CDATA[<portlet:defineObjects/><portlet:actionURL var="actionURL" portletMode="view"/>]]>

and this in the file to transform:

    var getUrl = 'replaced_during_packaging_see_pom.xml';
    var updateUrl = 'replaced_during_packaging_see_pom.xml';

then this transforms into:

    'replaced_during_packaging_see_pom.xml';= = 'replaced_during_packaging_see_pom.xml';
    'replaced_during_packaging_see_pom.xml';= = 'replaced_during_packaging_see_pom.xml';

I need to be able to replace multiple things in the file, and the 
comma-separated key value pairs not only are hard to read but they also don't 

Instead, something like this would be nice:


However, maybe this bug is not just an issue of escaped equals. Not sure yet.

Original issue reported on code.google.com by garyswea...@gmail.com on 20 Jul 2011 at 4:36

Thanks for the Issue report.
Have you tried replacements:replacement as a workaround whilst I look into this?
There is an example in the UsageGuide (last example).

Original comment by baker.st...@gmail.com on 21 Jul 2011 at 12:24

  • Changed state: Accepted
That's perfect! I have no idea how I missed that before.

I've not tried replacements:replacement with the exact text I had the bug with, 
because I've since changed that, but I'm using it now for the replacements I 
need to make and it looks much cleaner, e.g.:

                    <![CDATA[<portlet:resourceURL escapeXml='false' id='get' var='getUrl'/><portlet:resourceURL escapeXml='false' id='update' var='updateUrl'/>]]></value>
                    <![CDATA[<portlet:defineObjects/><portlet:actionURL var="actionURL" portletMode="view"/>]]></value>

Thanks for the tip!

Original comment by garyswea...@gmail.com on 21 Jul 2011 at 1:56

No problem Gary.
Would you like me to close this Issue as there is a suitable workaround?

Original comment by baker.st...@gmail.com on 22 Jul 2011 at 1:08

  • Changed state: Started
Thanks! Yes, please close this ticket. Thanks again.

Original comment by garyswea...@gmail.com on 22 Jul 2011 at 2:31