
how to register a openfire or ejabberd with jaxl?

suny0508 opened this issue · 0 comments

i m a very new for xmpp and openfire on windows server.
I want to konw how to register a openfire or ejabberd with jaxl。
the examples are not work ,
anyone help me ,please .

my codes like this:

class xmpp {

public function register_user($username, $password) {
    require_once './jaxl/jaxl.php';

    $this->client = new JAXL(array(
        'jid' => 'reg',
        'host' => '',
        'port' => '5222',
        'log_level' => JAXL_DEBUG
    $this->username = $username;
    $this->password = $password;

        '0077'  // InBand Registration  
    $thisClassObject = & $this;

    $this->client->add_cb('on_stream_features', function($stanza) use(&$thisClassObject) {
        return array($thisClassObject, 'wait_for_register_form');



public function wait_for_register_response($event, $args) {

    if ($event == 'end_stream') {
    } else if ($event == 'stanza_cb') {
        $stanza = $args[0];
        echo '<pre>';
        if ($stanza->name == 'iq') {
            if ($stanza->attrs['type'] == 'result') {
                echo "registration successful" . PHP_EOL . "shutting down..." . PHP_EOL;
                return 'logged_out';
            } else if ($stanza->attrs['type'] == 'error') {
                $error = $stanza->exists('error');
                echo "registration failed with error code: " . $error->attrs['code'] . " and type: " . $error->attrs['type'] . PHP_EOL;
                echo "error text: " . $error->exists('text')->text . PHP_EOL;
                echo "shutting down..." . PHP_EOL;
                return "logged_out";

public function wait_for_register_form($event, $args) {

    $stanza = $args[0];
    $query = $stanza->exists('query', NS_INBAND_REGISTER);
    if ($query) {
        $form = array();
        $instructions = $query->exists('instructions');
        if ($instructions) {
            echo $instructions->text . PHP_EOL;

        $this->client->xeps['0077']->set_form($stanza->attrs['from'], array('username' => $this->username, 'password' => $this->password));
        return array($this, "wait_for_register_response");
    } else {
        return "logged_out";


$xmppObj = new xmpp();
var_dump($xmppObj->register_user('user', 'password') );

but it does not register success,and got a message:
registration failed with error code: 400 and type: modify
