#Supervised and Unsupervised Training


  1. Tensorflow 1.14.0
  2. Keras 2.3.1
  3. Matplotlib
  4. hyperopt
  5. Scikit-learn 0.23.1

To run the training code, please refer to main.py and execute the following lines

  1. Baseline CNN training -> line 224-237
  2. Convolutional Autoencoder and CNN training -> line 243-275
  3. Denoising Autoenconder and CNN training -> line 281-313
  4. Simplified U-NET and CNN training -> line 319-351
  5. Multi-model Simplified U-Net with CNN (End-to-End training) -> line 357-373
  6. Multi-model Denoising Autoencoder with CNN (End-to-End training) -> line 379-395
  7. Multi-model Convolutional Autoencoder with CNN (End-to-End training) -> line 401-417