
Module not found - after updating to 18.0.1

vstrelianyi opened this issue · 2 comments

after updating to 18.0.1 from 17 I try to import the dependency like this:

import createUploadLink from 'apollo-upload-client';
import { createUploadLink } from 'apollo-upload-client';

and receive the following error:

Module not found: Package path . is not exported from package D:\projects\UpWork\snackhunter\next-react-wp\frontend\node_modules\apollo-upload-client (see exports field in D:\projects\UpWork\snackhunter\next-react-wp\frontend\node_modules\apollo-upload-client\package.json)

Neither of those imports are correct. Please read the changelog instructions about how to migrate the imports.

tl;dr (but do read the release notes anyways!)


The correct import statement is:

import createUploadLink from "apollo-upload-client/createUploadLink.mjs";