Edit lottie animation colors https://magna25.github.io/lottie-editor/
A simple web tool that parses a lottie json file and allows editing the layer colors. The tool supports:
- Grouping each color by layer name and group name
- Editing solid colors
- Editing gradients
- Editing keyframed colors (both solids and gradients)
- up to 10 levels of undo/redo history
- keyboard shortcuts for play/pause, seek forward/backward
- Drag and drop files
- loading lottie file from url (get a link from lottiefiles and provide the source url. ex /?src="animation_url")
The whole app runs on the client and any uploaded animation isn't saved on a server.
I used Chrome while developing this so all the testing is done on there and you should too
Firefox and Edge have a flex-grow issue and the UI is a bit messed up on these browsers but the the functionality is the same.
IE: you shouldn't be using it
Some lottie json files have inconsistent properties which cause the colors not to be parsed, for ex. there are layers embeded in another layers. This hopefully will be patched on the next release.
some key framed solids and gradients have a missing end color property- this has been fixed for now but generally missing properties are some of the issues
some gradient colors don't change
handle layers embeded inside another layers
refactor code