
Convert 'X' logo to svg

Opened this issue · 2 comments

For some reason I'm strugging to get the x svg to act right. Although I would prefer to have all of the social links using a uniform architecture, especially if that can be a simple svg... the x logo doesn't want to act right. I'm sure a legit frontend dev can make short work of this. That being said, I'm going to make an exception for x and use a small png image for now. I'm creating an issue to convert the image to an svg and post it in the community for some hungry frontend dev to maybe school me on how it's done. Thanks in advance, boss!

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All of my social icons use a simple svg, which is what I prefer. It's more compatible with responsive design and more lightweight in terms of serving the app to users. It's not so crucial that I'm going to spend an hour or more to fix it but I really would feel better if it were done right. Thanks in advance, bro. Hack the planet, b!

Screenshot 2023-10-21 at 11 23 46 AM

FYI. I did kinda eff with this briefly. I feel like I almost nailed it. For some reason I can't get the scale and position right. Hope this helps. If you can fix it, I'll give you the equivilent of a bj in high five and/or :the horns: emojis.

Screenshot 2023-10-21 at 11 31 15 AM